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Intradermal and transdermal  mesotherapy
Using Mesogun and Dermapen 4

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Mesotherapy is a medical technique whereby active substances are introduced into the skin surface by numerous micro-injections to correct aesthetic disorders such as skin aging, cellulite, flaccidity and alopecia, among others. The physical reaction is caused by
the mechanical stimulus (the effect of the needle), while there is also a pharmacological effect due to the micro-doses of the substances introduced. Provided it is performed in adequate conditions and with the correct substances, it is a very effective procedure.
This technique ensures optimum penetration of substances in the dermis with superior effects to those achieved with other methods of application.

solutions and active ingredients for intradermal application

· intensive hydration of the superficial dermis and epidermis
· correction of fine wrinkles
· skin rejuvenation
15 mg/ml

Hyaluronic acid + biorevitalising cocktail (vitamins, amino acids, mineral salts and coenzymes).
Provides the micronutrients that intervene in cell repair.
· biorevitalisation of dull skins
· prevention from aging
· correction of fine wrinkles
· toning skin tissues
Biorevitalising cocktail (vitamins, amino acids, mineral salts and coenzymes)

antioxidant, brightening solution with concentrated ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and mineral salts and a base of hyaluronic acid.
· antioxidant
· melasma
· dull skin
· rigid skin / lack of firmness

Hyaluronic acid + Dimethylaminoethanol (3%).
Restores firmness to tissues undergoing the aging process, effectively counteracting flaccidity.

Hyaluronic acid + silicon.
It acts to stabilise and maintain the skin tissue structure, stimulating fibroblast production and enhancing biosynthesis of collagen fibres, elastin and proteoglycans.
· prevention from aging
· face and body skin flaccidity
· stretch marks in primary stage
· scars

Hyaluronic acid + 9 oligoelements (zinc, magnesium, molybdenum, nickel, cobalt, selenium, copper, manganese and vanadium)
Activates skin metabolic processes and encourages growth and biological cell functions, improving the structure of the skin and reducing the signs of aging.
· addresses the signs of skin aging.
· correction of fine wrinkles
· face and body skin flaccidity
· cell nutrition

Hyaluronic acid + biotin, other group B vitamins and mineral salts.
Compensates for nutritional deficit of the scalp responsible for hair weakness and early hair loss.
· alopecia
· weakness of the capillary root
· antiaging

​Solutions and active ingredients for transepidermal application: cocktails of active ingredients for treating specific aesthetic concerns. is an exclusive line of active ingredient cocktails that provide effective solutions for the main facial, body and capillary aesthetic concerns. The high variety of active ingredients included in its formula promote the natural events of cell repair, while reducing skin tissue disorders. Its pH is within the physiological pH range, thus ensuring an optimum skin tolerance level. 210: Depigmentation solution
Melanogenesis consists of the production of melanin inside melanocytes, with several triggering factors in this process (sun radiation, genetic predisposition, hormonal changes, inflammatory changes...). Once synthesised, the melanin formed is transferred through the melanocyte dendrites to epidermal cells and continues rising to the upper skin layers where it finally gets dark. Excessive accumulation of melanin in the skin surface ultimately results in the formation of visible spots. 210 depigmentation solution is a powerful combination of active ingredients with corrective action of pigment disorders and anti-oxidant.
It acts regulating melanin production and removing the melanin present in epidermal cells, responsible for visible pigmentation. It also contains antioxidant agents that regulate melanin overproduction.
Tranexamic acid: Inhibits the release of melanocyte stimulating factors and factors triggering the inflammatory and vascular
process: prostaglandins (PG) and endothelin-1 (ET-1).
N-acetyl glucosamine: Inhibits tyrosinase action.
Vitamin C: Anti-oxidant and brightener.
Idebenone: Inhibits melanin synthesis by reducing tyrosine oxidative process.
Each of the active ingredients of 210 depigmentation solution acts in different stages
of the melanogenesis process.
Prior to activation of the melanocyte (tranexamic acid), during the
synthesis of melanin (N-acetyl glucosamine + idebenone) and after formation of melanin (vitamin C) 211: Photoaging solution
Anti-aging action with flash effect
Photoaging is a process induced by continuous exposure to ultraviolet light. It includes molecular and structural damages in the skin, such as: formation of free radicals, reduction of collagen synthesis, elastin breakdown, thickening of the epidermis 211 photoaging solution counteracts the signs of skin aging thanks to its photoprotective, anti-oxidant, moisturising and firming action. It protects the skin from environmental aggressions and other factors such as stress, tiredness, smoking, pollution.
Idebenone: Photoprotective and anti-free radical properties.
Vitamin C: Stimulates collagen synthesis and achieves antiwrinkle effect.
Hyaluronic acid: Highly moisturising.
Taurine: Anti-oxidant, moisturising and cell DNA protection properties. 213: Mesotox solution
Reducing and preventive action in wrinkles
There are three basic proteins forming the structure of the skin, fibrin, elastin and collagen. When these are damaged, expression lines appear, as a result of the natural contraction of facial muscles. Several factors make more visible this type of skin aging, such as the passage of time, sun exposure, lifestyle and other environmental or extrinsic factors. 213 mesotox solution acts dually on expression lines, reducing the existing ones and preventing the appearance of new ones. Its unique combination of synergistic peptides works in the inhibition of the skin microcontractions that cause this type of wrinkles.
Acetyl Hexapeptide-8: Regulates and reduces the contraction of dynamic wrinkles.
Niacinamide: Stimulates collagen synthesis, enhancing redensification.
Pentapeptide-18: Inhibits skin micro-contractions. Prevents the formation of lines and wrinkles 214: Mesopeptide solution
Redensifying action with lifting effect
The loss of facial elasticity and firmness is the result of the weakening of the structure of supporting tissues, collagen and elastin. There are several causes, one of the most common being chronological aging, as proteins that maintain the skin firm and adhered to the muscles loses tonicity over time. 214 mesopeptide solution enhances redensification of the dermis thanks to the inclusion of last-generation biomimetic peptides. Improves the firmness and structure of the cellular matrix.
Palmitoyl Tripeptide-5: Stimulates collagen synthesis. Removes wrinkles. Tightens and moisturises the skin.
Hyaluronic acid: Highly moisturising.
Acetyl Tetrapeptide-9: Improves skin tissues stimulating Lumican, and achieves optimum, functional arrangement of collagen fibres. Increases the density of the dermis and improves skin firmness. 014: Organic silicon
Regulates cell metabolism
Silicon is a metalloid present in the structure of water-soluble, biologically active mineral and organic compounds. It activates the intra-adipocyte action of cAMP, thus stimulating lipolysis and hydrolysis of triglycerides, without affecting cell metabolism. It is a structural element of the connective tissue, that is also part of macromolecules such as elastin, collagen, proteoglycans and structural glycproteins. It acts as regulator and normaliser of cell metabolism and cell division.
 1% organic silicon. 015: Melilot and rutin extract
Activates microcirculation
Melilot and rutin extract is venotonic and vasculoprotective and has lymphokinetic activity. Coumarin, the main active ingredient of melilotextract, has a high lymphatic trophic effect, reduces inflammatory conditions thanks to its action against active oxygen radicals and reduces capillary permeability by inhibition of leukotrienes by lipooxygenases. Rutin decreases histamine release reducing inflammatory conditions, capillary permeability and oedema. It produces a collagen synthesis increase in vascular walls and protects against free radicals. It increases circulatory debit and vascular neogenesis.
Melilot extract 200 mg, rutin 50 mg 016 Glycolic acid
Regenerating effect
Glycolic acid is an alpha-hydroxy acid obtained from sugar cane. The small size of its molecule gives it a high intercellular penetration. It acts inhibiting the cohesion of skin corneocytes, so it causes an increased skin hydration and flexibility.
1% glycolic acid. 020: Vitamin C
Anti-oxidant, brightening action
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is part of the group of anti-oxidant vitamins. It is the main non-enzyme, water-soluble anti-oxidant of the skin.
It plays a role that palliates the oxidative damage caused by ultraviolet radiation in epidermal cells, performing a bleaching action. Stimulates collagen synthesis, activating its regulator gene (transcriptional effect). It is also involved in the synthesis of significant elements of the extracellular matrix of the connective tissue, as well as in the activation of peptidic hormones and the catabolism of tyrosine.
20% vitamin C. 021:DMAE
Tightening, firming effect
Dimethylamionethanol is a precursor of acetylcholine that acts as stabiliserand anti-oxidant of cell membrane, protecting it from organic stress. Acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter involved in the increase of muscle tone, returns turgor to the tissues subject to the aging process, counteracting flaccidity and sagging. It increases moisture by restablishing fibroblast function while improving
tissue on a generalised basis causing a tightening and firming effect.
3% DMAE. 040: Centella asiatica
Tissue restorer

Centella asiatica extract is a combination of three substances of which asiticoside is the most important component. This component is a triterpenic heterocyclic saponin to which multiple properties are attributed. It fulfils an action that stimulates collagen biosynthesis in the dermal fibroblasts and the connective tissue, helping improve cell trophism. It enhances restoration of skin integrity for its re-epithelisation and vasoprotective actions, increasing capillary resistance and acting as biostimulant.
0.5% centella asiatica extract. 108: Hyaluronic acid
Moisturising, anti-aging action

Hyaluronic acid is a natural polysaccharide that belongs to the group of glycosaminoglycans. It has the capacity of retaining thousand times its molecular weight in water, so it fulfils significant functions in the structure of the skin, providing moisture, volume and elasticity. For its viscosity, it ensures cohesion of connective cells and slows down the natural aging processes, and is an activator of the fibroblastic function,
collagen synthesis and several skin growth factors.

3.5% hyaluronic acid. 109: Bioflash NCTC-109

bioflash NCTC-109 provides the skin with a high variety of essential micronutrients that participate in physiological cell biochemical processes. Its composition stimulates vital cell functions enhancing the synthesis of proteins such as elastin or collagen.
Vitamins fulfil a trophic function stimulating skin repairing processes and anti-oxidant activity. Amino acids act as physiological elements that stimulate protein synthesis, enhancing skin tissue regeneration. Minerals reduce skin deficiencies. Co-enzymes help catalyse tissue biochemical reactions and activate cell communication.

Vitamins, amino acids, mineral salts, co-enzymes. 110: X-DNA
Re-structurer and anti-oxidant

X-DNA gel is a natural polymer with a high anti-oxidant and moisturising power that protects cell membranes from oxidative breakdown, allowing recovery of collagen proteins. It fights collagen breakdown caused by sun rays, oxidative stress and
smoking, providing firmness and structure to the skin.

3% DNA gel.

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